Questões de Inglês

Assunto Geral


MPU - Técnico do MPU - Tecnologia da Informação e Comuni

Ano de 2013

For many years, researchers have drawn attention to
the importance of alignment between business and Information
Technology (IT). In early studies, this often meant linking the
business plan and the information technology plan. Another
perspective involved ensuring congruence between the business
strategy and the IT strategy. Still another has required
examining the fit between business needs and information
system priorities. These conceptualizations have been enlarged
over time and now research recognizes many points of
alignment between business and IT.

The business and IT performance implications of
alignment have been demonstrated empirically and through
case studies during the last decade. Simply put, the findings
support the hypothesis that those organizations that
successfully align their business strategy with their IT strategy
will outperform those that do not. Alignment leads to more
focused and strategic use of IT which, in turn, leads to
increased performance.

Judge the following items according to the text.

Alignment is defined solely as the degree of fit between strategic business planning and long-range IT planning.

A resposta correta é:

Assunto Geral


MPU - Técnico do MPU - Tecnologia da Informação e Comuni

Ano de 2013

For many years, researchers have drawn attention to
the importance of alignment between business and Information
Technology (IT). In early studies, this often meant linking the
business plan and the information technology plan. Another
perspective involved ensuring congruence between the business
strategy and the IT strategy. Still another has required
examining the fit between business needs and information
system priorities. These conceptualizations have been enlarged
over time and now research recognizes many points of
alignment between business and IT.

The business and IT performance implications of
alignment have been demonstrated empirically and through
case studies during the last decade. Simply put, the findings
support the hypothesis that those organizations that
successfully align their business strategy with their IT strategy
will outperform those that do not. Alignment leads to more
focused and strategic use of IT which, in turn, leads to
increased performance.

Judge the following items according to the text.

Technological alignment is not possible whereas technology should often challenge business, not follow it.

A resposta correta é:

Assunto Geral


MPU - Técnico do MPU - Tecnologia da Informação e Comuni

Ano de 2013

For many years, researchers have drawn attention to
the importance of alignment between business and Information
Technology (IT). In early studies, this often meant linking the
business plan and the information technology plan. Another
perspective involved ensuring congruence between the business
strategy and the IT strategy. Still another has required
examining the fit between business needs and information
system priorities. These conceptualizations have been enlarged
over time and now research recognizes many points of
alignment between business and IT.

The business and IT performance implications of
alignment have been demonstrated empirically and through
case studies during the last decade. Simply put, the findings
support the hypothesis that those organizations that
successfully align their business strategy with their IT strategy
will outperform those that do not. Alignment leads to more
focused and strategic use of IT which, in turn, leads to
increased performance.

Judge the following items according to the text.

Despite the interest in the area, there isn"t enough evidence yet on whether alignment should lead to increased performance.

A resposta correta é:

Assunto Geral


MPU - Técnico do MPU - Tecnologia da Informação e Comuni

Ano de 2013

For many years, researchers have drawn attention to
the importance of alignment between business and Information
Technology (IT). In early studies, this often meant linking the
business plan and the information technology plan. Another
perspective involved ensuring congruence between the business
strategy and the IT strategy. Still another has required
examining the fit between business needs and information
system priorities. These conceptualizations have been enlarged
over time and now research recognizes many points of
alignment between business and IT.

The business and IT performance implications of
alignment have been demonstrated empirically and through
case studies during the last decade. Simply put, the findings
support the hypothesis that those organizations that
successfully align their business strategy with their IT strategy
will outperform those that do not. Alignment leads to more
focused and strategic use of IT which, in turn, leads to
increased performance.

Judge the following items according to the text.

The verb "outperform" (l.16) is the same as surpass.

A resposta correta é:

Assunto Geral

Banca FCC

TRT 18ª - Técnico Judiciário - Tecnologia da Informação

Ano de 2013

Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo.


A unique sites building platform (CMS) for SEO and construction of internet sites that requires no technical knowledge

A comprehensive promotional website can be constructed with proven SEO advantages. The construction of search engine
promoted sites is easy and simple; you can choose to purchase articles and content from our company, or to create your own. Many
sites constructed on SitePromoter rank highly on the first page of Google. Text and images can be easily incorporated. The content
and images are automatically framed, giving the site a designer look. There is no limit to the volume of text, menus and images that
can be input.

What kinds of sites can be constructed using the SitePromoter system?

Sites consisting of articles intended to promote your main internet site.

A promotional site that you can use as your main internet site while benefiting from the built-in advantages of SitePromoter"s

The advantages of SitePromoter

Our system is one of the best when it comes to SE compatibility and preparation for marketing on the internet, promoting mainly
on Google:

SitePromoter is built to ensure that Google reads all the content on every page of the site.

SitePromoter performs actions automatically that promote the site on Google.

The system has built-in Google Analytics (a leading statistical tool by Google), on every page of the site containing content.

The system supports Flash video clips that do not interfere with SEO.

Customers can store content, including a large inventory of images, on our system, at no additional charge, on condition that the
material is relevant to the site.

The customer has full control of the content, menus and submenus (the menus are not predetermined).

Design is consistent, with countless possible options to choose from. For example, main headings on the site will all have the
same design chosen and defined by the site owner for main headings, requiring no additional effort.

And what about design? The site owner can determine the "look and feel" of the site by choosing from a vast variety of colors
and menu backgrounds.

(Adapted from:

Segundo o texto, os sites construídos pelo SitePromoter

a) podem ser customizados pelo cliente.
b) têm uma excelente relação custo-benefício.
c) seguem um formato padrão estabelecido pelo fabricante, o que facilita sua criação.
d) oferecem amplo, porém limitado espaço para conteúdo.
e) foram criados por designers especializados para garantir uma interface amigável.

A resposta correta é:

Assunto Geral

Banca FCC

TRT 18ª - Técnico Judiciário - Tecnologia da Informação

Ano de 2013

Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo.


A unique sites building platform (CMS) for SEO and construction of internet sites that requires no technical knowledge

A comprehensive promotional website can be constructed with proven SEO advantages. The construction of search engine
promoted sites is easy and simple; you can choose to purchase articles and content from our company, or to create your own. Many
sites constructed on SitePromoter rank highly on the first page of Google. Text and images can be easily incorporated. The content
and images are automatically framed, giving the site a designer look. There is no limit to the volume of text, menus and images that
can be input.

What kinds of sites can be constructed using the SitePromoter system?

Sites consisting of articles intended to promote your main internet site.

A promotional site that you can use as your main internet site while benefiting from the built-in advantages of SitePromoter"s

The advantages of SitePromoter

Our system is one of the best when it comes to SE compatibility and preparation for marketing on the internet, promoting mainly
on Google:

SitePromoter is built to ensure that Google reads all the content on every page of the site.

SitePromoter performs actions automatically that promote the site on Google.

The system has built-in Google Analytics (a leading statistical tool by Google), on every page of the site containing content.

The system supports Flash video clips that do not interfere with SEO.

Customers can store content, including a large inventory of images, on our system, at no additional charge, on condition that the
material is relevant to the site.

The customer has full control of the content, menus and submenus (the menus are not predetermined).

Design is consistent, with countless possible options to choose from. For example, main headings on the site will all have the
same design chosen and defined by the site owner for main headings, requiring no additional effort.

And what about design? The site owner can determine the "look and feel" of the site by choosing from a vast variety of colors
and menu backgrounds.

(Adapted from:

Segundo o texto,

a) não há limite para a inclusão de imagens desde que estejam em baixa resolução.
b) os sites construídos seguindo o padrão do SitePromoter são facilmente identificados na primeira página do Google.
c) muitos sites construídos na plataforma SitePromoter aparecem entre os primeiros na primeira página do Google.
d) o cliente pode variar o formato dos títulos em cada página para dar ao site um visual mais personalizado.
e) o Google Analytics faz um levantamento automático de quantas vezes o site foi acessado.

A resposta correta é:

Assunto Geral

Banca FCC

TRT 18ª - Técnico Judiciário - Tecnologia da Informação

Ano de 2013

Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo.

Software Evaluation: Criteria-based Assessment

Mike Jackson, Steve Crouch and Rob Baxter

Criteria-based assessment is a quantitative assessment of the software in terms of sustainability, maintainability, and usability.
This can inform high-level decisions on specific areas for software improvement.

Open Source Initiative

A criteria-based assessment gives a measurement of quality in a number of areas. These areas are derived from ISO/IEC
9126-1 Software engineering - Product quality and include usability, sustainability and maintainability.

The assessment involves checking whether the software, and the project that develops it, conforms to various characteristics or
exhibits various qualities that are expected of sustainable software. The more characteristics that are satisfied, the more sustainable
the software. Please note that not all qualities have equal weight e.g. having an OSI-approved open source licence is of more
importance than avoiding TAB characters in text files.

In performing the evaluation, you may want to consider how different user classes affect the importance of the criteria. For
example, for Usability-Understandability, a small set of well-defined, accurate, task-oriented user documentation may be
comprehensive for Users but inadequate for Developers. Assessments specific to user classes allow the requirements of these specific
user classes to be factored in and so, for example, show that a project rates highly for Users but poorly for Developers, or vice versa.

Scoring can also be affected by the nature of the software itself e.g. for ?A? one could envisage an application that has been
well-designed, offers context-sensitive help etc. and consequently is so easy to use that tutorials aren’t needed. Portability can apply to
both the software and its development infrastructure e.g. the open source software OGSA-DAI2 can be built, compiled and tested on
Unix, Windows or Linux (and so is highly portable for Users and User-Developers). However, its Ruby test framework cannot yet run on
Windows, so running integration tests would involve the manual setup of OGSA-DAI servers (so this is far less portable for Developers
and, especially, Members).

(Adaptado de:

Segundo o texto,

a) é mais importante analisar as características do próprio software do que as do projeto segundo o qual foi desenvolvido.
b) numa avaliação de software, todas as qualidades e características tem peso igual.
c) as informações extraídas de uma avaliação baseada em critérios devem necessariamente ser levadas em conta ao se adquirir um novo software.
d) uma avaliação baseada em critérios pode servir de base para a tomada de decisões em relação a áreas específicas para a melhoria de software.
e) a característica mais importante a ser levada em conta na avaliação é se o software tem uma licença aprovada pela OSI.

A resposta correta é:

Assunto Geral

Banca FCC

TRT 18ª - Técnico Judiciário - Tecnologia da Informação

Ano de 2013

Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo.

Software Evaluation: Criteria-based Assessment

Mike Jackson, Steve Crouch and Rob Baxter

Criteria-based assessment is a quantitative assessment of the software in terms of sustainability, maintainability, and usability.
This can inform high-level decisions on specific areas for software improvement.

Open Source Initiative

A criteria-based assessment gives a measurement of quality in a number of areas. These areas are derived from ISO/IEC
9126-1 Software engineering - Product quality and include usability, sustainability and maintainability.

The assessment involves checking whether the software, and the project that develops it, conforms to various characteristics or
exhibits various qualities that are expected of sustainable software. The more characteristics that are satisfied, the more sustainable
the software. Please note that not all qualities have equal weight e.g. having an OSI-approved open source licence is of more
importance than avoiding TAB characters in text files.

In performing the evaluation, you may want to consider how different user classes affect the importance of the criteria. For
example, for Usability-Understandability, a small set of well-defined, accurate, task-oriented user documentation may be
comprehensive for Users but inadequate for Developers. Assessments specific to user classes allow the requirements of these specific
user classes to be factored in and so, for example, show that a project rates highly for Users but poorly for Developers, or vice versa.

Scoring can also be affected by the nature of the software itself e.g. for ?A? one could envisage an application that has been
well-designed, offers context-sensitive help etc. and consequently is so easy to use that tutorials aren’t needed. Portability can apply to
both the software and its development infrastructure e.g. the open source software OGSA-DAI2 can be built, compiled and tested on
Unix, Windows or Linux (and so is highly portable for Users and User-Developers). However, its Ruby test framework cannot yet run on
Windows, so running integration tests would involve the manual setup of OGSA-DAI servers (so this is far less portable for Developers
and, especially, Members).

(Adaptado de:

De acordo com o texto,

a) é importante levar em conta os diferentes tipos de usuários ao se analisar determinadas características de um software.
b) características que satisfaçam um desenvolvedor são igualmente satisfatórias para o usuário comum, embora a recíproca não seja sempre verdadeira.
c) uma documentação sucinta, porém compreensível e exata, é uma das características mais importantes para o desenvolvedor.
d) a documentação de um software deve conter instruções orientadas a tarefas para melhor compreensão do usuário.
e) usabilidade e facilidade de compreensão são critérios essenciais para o usuário, mas secundários para o desenvolvedor.

A resposta correta é:

Assunto Geral

Banca FCC

TRT 18ª - Técnico Judiciário - Tecnologia da Informação

Ano de 2013

Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo.

Software Evaluation: Criteria-based Assessment

Mike Jackson, Steve Crouch and Rob Baxter

Criteria-based assessment is a quantitative assessment of the software in terms of sustainability, maintainability, and usability.
This can inform high-level decisions on specific areas for software improvement.

Open Source Initiative

A criteria-based assessment gives a measurement of quality in a number of areas. These areas are derived from ISO/IEC
9126-1 Software engineering - Product quality and include usability, sustainability and maintainability.

The assessment involves checking whether the software, and the project that develops it, conforms to various characteristics or
exhibits various qualities that are expected of sustainable software. The more characteristics that are satisfied, the more sustainable
the software. Please note that not all qualities have equal weight e.g. having an OSI-approved open source licence is of more
importance than avoiding TAB characters in text files.

In performing the evaluation, you may want to consider how different user classes affect the importance of the criteria. For
example, for Usability-Understandability, a small set of well-defined, accurate, task-oriented user documentation may be
comprehensive for Users but inadequate for Developers. Assessments specific to user classes allow the requirements of these specific
user classes to be factored in and so, for example, show that a project rates highly for Users but poorly for Developers, or vice versa.

Scoring can also be affected by the nature of the software itself e.g. for ?A? one could envisage an application that has been
well-designed, offers context-sensitive help etc. and consequently is so easy to use that tutorials aren’t needed. Portability can apply to
both the software and its development infrastructure e.g. the open source software OGSA-DAI2 can be built, compiled and tested on
Unix, Windows or Linux (and so is highly portable for Users and User-Developers). However, its Ruby test framework cannot yet run on
Windows, so running integration tests would involve the manual setup of OGSA-DAI servers (so this is far less portable for Developers
and, especially, Members).

(Adaptado de:

A palavra que preenche, no contexto, a lacuna A é

a) Buildability.
b) Installability.
c) Documentation.
d) Integration.
e) Learnability.

A resposta correta é:

Assunto Geral


BNDES - Direito

Ano de 2013

Coworking: Sharing How We Work

Genevieve DeGuzman


In the past, when trying to find places to work,
independent workers, small businesses, and
organizations often had to choose between several
scenarios, all with their attendant advantages and
disadvantages: working from home; working from a
coffee shop, library, or other public venue; or leasing
an executive suite or other commercial space.
Is there a better way to work? Yes. Enter
Coworking takes freelancers, indie workers, and
entrepreneurs who feel that they have been dormant
or isolated working alone at home or who have been
migrating from a coffee shop to a friend’s garage or
languishing in a sterile business center — to a space
where they can truly roost.

“We can come out of hiding,” a coworker tells
us, “and be in a space that’s comfortable, friendly,
and has an aesthetic appeal that’s a far cry from the
typical cookie-cutter office environment.”
For many, it might be puzzling to pay for a well-
equipped space teeming with other people, even
with the chance of free coffee and inspiration. You
might ask yourself, “Well, why pay for a place to work
when I’m perfectly comfortable at home and paying
nothing?” Or, “Isn’t the whole point of telecommuting
or starting my own business a chance to avoid ‘going
to the office’?”

Coworking may sound like an unnecessary
expense, but let’s consider what you get from being
a part of the space.

At its most basic level, coworking is the
phenomenon of workers coming together in a shared
or collaborative workspace for one or more of these
reasons: to reduce costs by having shared facilities
and equipment, to access a community of fellow
entrepreneurs, and to seek out collaboration within
and across fields. Coworking spaces offer an exciting
alternative for people longing to escape the confines
of their cubicle walls, the isolation of working solo at
home, or the inconveniences of public venues.

The benefits and cost-savings in productivity
and overall happiness and well-being reaped from
coworking are also potentially huge. Enthusiasm
and creativity become contagious and multiply when
you diversify your work environment with people
from different fields or backgrounds. At coworking
spaces, members pass each other during the day,
conversations get going, and miraculously idea-fusion
happens with everyone benefitting from the shared
thinking and brainstorming.

Differences matter. Coworking hinges on the
belief that innovation and inspiration come from
the cross-pollination of different people in different
fields or specializations. Random opportunities and
discoveries that arise from interactions with others
play a large role in coworking.

To see this in action on a large scale, think about
Google. Google made the culture of sharing and
collaboration in the workplace legend. It deployed
“grouplets” for initiatives that cover broader changes
through the organization.

One remarkable story of a successful Google
grouplet involved getting engineers to write their
own testing code to reduce the incidence of bugs
in software code. Thinking creatively, the grouplet
came up with a campaign based on posting episodes
discussing new and interesting testing techniques
on the bathroom stalls. “Testing on the Toilet” spread
fast and garnered both rants and raves. Soon, people
were hungry for more, and the campaign ultimately
developed enough inertia to become a de facto part of
the coding culture. They moved out of the restrooms
and into the mainstream.

Keith Sawyer, a professor of psychology and
education at Washington University in St. Louis, MO,
has written widely on collaboration and innovation. In
his study of jazz performances, Keith Sawyer made
this observation, “The group has the ideas, not the
individual musicians.” Some of the most famous
products were born out of this mosh pit of interaction
— in contrast to the romantic idea of a lone working
genius driving change. According to Sawyer, more
often than not, true innovation emerges from an
improvised process and draws from trial-by-error and
many inputs.

Unexpected insights emerge from the group
dynamic. If increasing interaction among different
peer groups within a single company could lead
to promising results, imagine the possibilities for
solopreneurs, small businesses, and indie workers —
if only they could reach similar levels of peer access
as those experienced by their bigger counterparts. It
is this potential that coworking tries to capture for its

Available at: .

Retrieved on: 21 Oct. 2011. Adapted.

Based on the meanings in the text,

a) "puzzling" (line 20) and confusing are antonyms.
b) "longing" (line 38) and desiring express contradictory ideas.
c) "reaped" (line 42) and derived express similar ideas.
d) "hinges on" (line 51) and contradicts are synonyms.
e) "deployed" (line 59) and spread out do not have equivalent meanings.

A resposta correta é:
